When you see this ___ put your name in. Hope you like it!
You were sitting in your kitchen eating breakfast when you herd on the
radio that if you were caller 25 you would win One Direction tickets for
that night! You immediately pick up the phone and dial the number, the
radio anchor answers the phone and says.
"Hi whats your name?"
"___." you reply nervously.
"Do you know what caller you are?" asks the radio anchor happily.
"Caller 25!" you hope.
don't know what to say, you just won One Direction tickets, for
tonight! The radio anchor says you have to come pick them up at the
studio immediately, so you jump into your car and drive to the station.
They give you an envelope and tell you that you won two tickets for the
front row! You decide to take your best friend who is obsessed with
Zayn. Later that night you are getting ready for the concert when you
open up the envelope and notice that they forgot to tell you that you also
won two backstage passes! You almost faint! When you pick up your
friend and tell her you have backstage passes she screams so loud it
hurts your ears.
"Maybe Zayn will notice me!" she says excitedly.
"Sorry hun but he has a girlfriend." you say laughing.
get to the concert and you and your friend have the time of your lives
and you notice that every time you look at Louis it almost seems that he
was looking at you, you must just be imagining it. After the concert
you go back stage to meet the boys and immediately Louis walks up to
"Hello love, whats your name?" Louis asks sporting his amazing smile.
"___." you say nervously. "I'm a huge fan."
"Thanks love, i noticed you in the front row. I think you have lovely eyes."
Oh my gosh! Louis really was looking at you!
"Well thanks! I love your smile." you say happily.
and Louis spend the rest of the time you were backstage together, and
before you leave he gives you his number. Later that week he texts you
and asks you out. You end up having the best time ever and date for
three years before you get married and live happily ever after!
The ultimate One Direction blog for all Directioners, new or old. Post's quiz's, HD pictures, facts, quotes and more!

Thursday, February 28, 2013
My first Louis imagine!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
My first Harry imagine!
This is my Harry imagine. Enjoy!
You and the boys have been hanging out a lot after you met at the signing for Take Me Home at your local CD store. You have a big crush on Harry and you want to tell him but your afraid that he doesn't feel the same, so you decide to accept the fact that you will probably never be with him. Niall texts you and asks if you want to go to the movies with him and the boys that weekend. Of course you accept, you wouldn't miss a chance to see Harry. So that weekend you and the boys meet up at the local movie theater to see Identity Thief, Harry sits beside you and you feel like the luckiest girl in the world because he laughs the whole movie and you think his laugh is the cutest thing ever. When the movie is over you say bye to the boys and head out to the parking lot to find your car, when you hear someone call your name from back towards the theater. You turn around and see Harry running towards you. You wonder what he wants?
"Hey Harry." you say. "Is something wrong?"
"No" says Harry looking a bit nervous. "It's just, um..."
And then something happens that you could only imagine before this point. Harry leans in and kisses you. On the lips to! Harry steps back blushing.
"Sorry." he says. "I just really like you and have been wanting to do that for a while now."
"It's ok." you say with the biggest smile on your face. "I like you to and I've been wanting to tell you but i worried you didn't feel the same way."
"Well i do!" says Harry awkwardly.
He than gives you a hug says goodnight and walks away. You don't know what to think, Harry Styles just kissed you!
Your in bed back in your apartment when you hear your cell phone go of. It's a text from Harry! He wants to know if you want to go on a date! You obviously say yes. So the next night Harry picks you up and you go for a romantic dinner. Your both deeply in love and you end up dating for two and a half years before Harry proposes. You get married, have a baby girl named Darcy and live happily ever after!
You and the boys have been hanging out a lot after you met at the signing for Take Me Home at your local CD store. You have a big crush on Harry and you want to tell him but your afraid that he doesn't feel the same, so you decide to accept the fact that you will probably never be with him. Niall texts you and asks if you want to go to the movies with him and the boys that weekend. Of course you accept, you wouldn't miss a chance to see Harry. So that weekend you and the boys meet up at the local movie theater to see Identity Thief, Harry sits beside you and you feel like the luckiest girl in the world because he laughs the whole movie and you think his laugh is the cutest thing ever. When the movie is over you say bye to the boys and head out to the parking lot to find your car, when you hear someone call your name from back towards the theater. You turn around and see Harry running towards you. You wonder what he wants?
"Hey Harry." you say. "Is something wrong?"
"No" says Harry looking a bit nervous. "It's just, um..."
And then something happens that you could only imagine before this point. Harry leans in and kisses you. On the lips to! Harry steps back blushing.
"Sorry." he says. "I just really like you and have been wanting to do that for a while now."
"It's ok." you say with the biggest smile on your face. "I like you to and I've been wanting to tell you but i worried you didn't feel the same way."
"Well i do!" says Harry awkwardly.
He than gives you a hug says goodnight and walks away. You don't know what to think, Harry Styles just kissed you!
Your in bed back in your apartment when you hear your cell phone go of. It's a text from Harry! He wants to know if you want to go on a date! You obviously say yes. So the next night Harry picks you up and you go for a romantic dinner. Your both deeply in love and you end up dating for two and a half years before Harry proposes. You get married, have a baby girl named Darcy and live happily ever after!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
1D facts
Hey since my 1D facts disappeared and before my 1D quotes i hadn't posted in a while, i decided to post two times this week (but only this week). Alright so i will post 20 1D facts for each member, and like in my 1D quotes post i will add some bonus pics with facts on them as an apology for my old 1D facts post getting deleted. I'm gonna start of with Zayn, because he's my favorite.
1. He said he would spend a day with a fan if she wasn't screaming in his face all day.
2. Zayn was eight when he wrote his first love letter.
3. When he doesn't know the words to a song, he just sings random words to the tune.
4. He's scared of the dark.
5. When Zayn is upset, he likes to keep it to himself. He puts on his headphones and blocks everything out.
6. Perrie gave Zayn the hat he wore during the Olympic ceremony because he was nervous.
7. Zayn has plans to wrap on there future album.
8. All the boys think that Zayn will get married in the spur of the moment, probably in Vegas.
9. Zayn likes girls with long dark brown hair. (well i guess I'm in luck ;)
10. Zayn's idea for the name of the band was whatever five is in Greek.
11. If he were a girl he'd marry Liam.
12. His favorite hobby is drawing.
13. The first time Zayn cried over a fan was when a blind fan said that even though she couldn't see him she knew he was beautiful.
14. When Zayn was younger he thought that he would never get a girl to fall in love with him. (oh baby, i love you!)
15. Zayn doesn't let his friends watch the video of him refusing do dance at bootcamp because he thinks it's embarrassing.
16. Zayn has a habit of biting the inside of his bottom lip.
17. If Zayn thinks a fan is cute or adorable he'll nod his head next to her in pictures.
18. Zayn said if he was stranded on a desert island, he'd take Louis if he had the chance.
19. Zayn wishes he had prescription glasses because he likes the big nerdy glasses.
20. If Zayn had three wishes he would wish for a segway, to be on holiday for the rest of his life and to marry Louis.
1. An interviewer once asked Liam "How long will it take you to text or call a girl after the first date?" Liam replied with "If it was a lovely night, i would text her on my way home."
2. Liam once couldn't attend his girlfriends dance show, so he sent a bouquet of flowers to the venue instead.
3. He prefers to make the first move when it comes to dating.
4. Liam once met a fan that had cuts on her wrist. He hugged her and told her she was beautiful.
5. Liam reckons that his accent is just a mix of the rest of the boys, as he spends so much time with them.
6. For Valentines day, Liam once bought his girlfriend roses, a box of chocolates, a huge teddy bear, one of his hoodies and a Justin Bieber CD.
7. Zayn shaved a slit in Liam's eyebrow when he was asleep.
8. When he is asked his nickname he replies with "Daddy Directioner".
9. Liam doesn't like it when girls make the first move.
10. Liam used to skip school to avoid being bullied by classmates. :'(
11. It's said that Liam gives the best hugs because he rubs your back as he hugs you.
12. Liam once asked a girl out by singing Mario's "Let Me Love You" she said yes but dumped him the next day.
13. Liam's turn ons are knee socks, public displays of affection, giggling, squeaking, tattoo's and curly hair. (got the hair part down)
14. If he could have any superpower he would choose invisibility.
15. Liam cried the first time he saw the Lion King.
16. His turn offs are burping, farting, swearing, fake tan and bling.
17. Liam gave a fan his number once.
18. Liam is a huge softy. He couldn't dump a girl because if they cried he'd take them back.
19. Liam once said that the cure to One Direction infection is to kiss Harry.
20. Liam's favorite films are the Batman series.
1. Louis likes to remind the boys that he has the biggest biceps in the group.
2. Louis says when he's bored he'll poke Harry to annoy him.
3. The rest of the band all thought Louis was quite when they all first met. (well we know they got that wrong)
4. Louis favorite band is the Fray.
5. Louis once sprayed a security guard with silly string because he wouldn't let him hug a fan.
6. An interviewer once asked Louis "If you could visit any planet, where would you go?". Louis replied with "Narnia!"
7. In school Louis was dared to walk into the girls bathroom and makeout with the first girl he saw. He ended up in detention.
8. Louis calls his mom most nights.
9. Louis has liked Zayn's lips before.
10. Louis once retweeted a tweet saying "Harry's face, Harry's eyes, Harry's everything. He's just so beautiful.
11. Louis once tweeted 'Hows this, Larry is the biggest load of bullshit i have ever heard. I'm happy why can't you accept that?'.
12. He loves macaroni and cheese, but has to get Harry to make it for him as he can't cook.
13. A fan gave Louis a 'I Ship Bullshit' balloon at a signing. She was referring to when Louis said "Larry is bullshit" on twitter.
14. Louis spent his first ever paycheck on adopting a chimpanzee named Larry.
15. Louis says he isn't brave enough to get his nipples pierced.
16. Louis described the kiss on his cheek from Cheryl Cole as "The best moment of his life".
17. Louis said he's really good with kids. ;D
18. When his mom was pregnant he asked her "Do you love the baby in your stomach?", she said "Of course i do.", he replied "Then why did you eat it?".
19. Louis once went to the cinema to watch a film but didn't know it was 3D and complained to the manager after because it was blurry.
20. Louis dreams about Harry and Niall the most.
1. He dislocated he knee playing football (soccer) and now has a 67% chance it will dislocate itself randomly.
2. He doesn't like it when fans ask him for a follow back.
3. At a signing a girl asked him for a hug, bu the security guard stopped him. Niall replied "No! I want to hug her."
4. Niall once said "I hate it when girls act cause they think it's cute. Intelligence is sexy."
5. Harry walked into a glass door in LA and Niall couldn't stop laughing at Harry. Then he ended up walking into it himself. (Karma)
6. Niall's half eaten Vegemite toast sold on eBay for $99,999.
7. Niall once said "When i was 12 all of my friends had girlfriends and i was the only one who didn't. I felt lonely, so i asked my mom to date me,"
8. Niall said his girlfriend would look most beautiful with no makeup on.
9. Niall thinks he is the ugliest in the bands. (oooooh, baby, :( don't think that)
10. Niall's aftershave is Armani Mania.
11. The only book Niall has read is "To Kill A Mocking Bird". (i loooooooove that book!)
12. Louis once implied that Demi Lovato was chubby. Niall got mad.
13. Niall's ideal first date would be eating spaghetti (messily) in a posh restaurant.
14. Niall likes shy girls. (well I'm doomed :(, because i am the opposite of shy)
15. Niall would occasionally get teased in school for getting high marks.
16. Niall says 12-13 year old perverted fans scare him.
17. Niall loves his bed almost as much as he loves food and sleeping.
18. Horan means 'the whore' in Swedish.
19. Niall finds it attractive when girls can put on different accents and speak more than one language. (well i guess i have a better chance than i thought)
20. Niall has about 30 snapbacks.
And last but not least, Harry...
1. He prefers quiet dates at home or for a meal so he can get to know the girl properly.
2. Harry once gave a 20$ bill to a homeless man in New York City.
3. Harry usually sleeps with a blanket he's had since he was little.
4. At the airport, a paparazzi asked Harry "Toss" his hair again. He said "Sorry?", he was confused because in the UK the word 'toss' means to masturbate.
5. harry wants his first baby girls to be named "Darcy".
6. Harry once said that he's glad he has sisters, as it help him know how to treat girls.
7. Harry is a fan of the Hunger Games.
8. Harry said the weirdest thing he has ever heard about himself is that he was dead.
9. If he's interested in a fan he'd ask for her name, twitter and say "i love you!" first before they leave.
10. When Harry was younger he was kicked out of a supermarket for swearing at costumers.
11. He'd date someone three years younger, but if it wasn't possible he'd wait for her.
12. Harry speaks french.
13. Harry likes it when girls wear his clothes.
14. Harry has a tattoo above his star that says "Hi".
15. Harry was supposed to kiss Carly on iCarly, but he didn't want to.
16. Harry's perfect first date would be watching 'Love Actually' and eating sweet popcorn.
17. He takes long showers.
18. Harry always dreamed of playing hide and seek under the sheets with his girlfriend.
19. Harry sometimes talks in his sleep.
20. He likes pink on a girl.
Alright well now that i have done those, it's time for the bonus picture facts!
I wish i knew if you could still text in a donation, if anyone reading this knows you can please leave a comment so i know and send a donation yourself, these children need your help.
Thanks again for reading and come back next weekend for more. Bye!
1. He said he would spend a day with a fan if she wasn't screaming in his face all day.
2. Zayn was eight when he wrote his first love letter.
3. When he doesn't know the words to a song, he just sings random words to the tune.
4. He's scared of the dark.
5. When Zayn is upset, he likes to keep it to himself. He puts on his headphones and blocks everything out.
6. Perrie gave Zayn the hat he wore during the Olympic ceremony because he was nervous.
7. Zayn has plans to wrap on there future album.
8. All the boys think that Zayn will get married in the spur of the moment, probably in Vegas.
9. Zayn likes girls with long dark brown hair. (well i guess I'm in luck ;)
10. Zayn's idea for the name of the band was whatever five is in Greek.
11. If he were a girl he'd marry Liam.
12. His favorite hobby is drawing.
13. The first time Zayn cried over a fan was when a blind fan said that even though she couldn't see him she knew he was beautiful.
14. When Zayn was younger he thought that he would never get a girl to fall in love with him. (oh baby, i love you!)
15. Zayn doesn't let his friends watch the video of him refusing do dance at bootcamp because he thinks it's embarrassing.
16. Zayn has a habit of biting the inside of his bottom lip.
17. If Zayn thinks a fan is cute or adorable he'll nod his head next to her in pictures.
18. Zayn said if he was stranded on a desert island, he'd take Louis if he had the chance.
19. Zayn wishes he had prescription glasses because he likes the big nerdy glasses.
20. If Zayn had three wishes he would wish for a segway, to be on holiday for the rest of his life and to marry Louis.
1. An interviewer once asked Liam "How long will it take you to text or call a girl after the first date?" Liam replied with "If it was a lovely night, i would text her on my way home."
2. Liam once couldn't attend his girlfriends dance show, so he sent a bouquet of flowers to the venue instead.
3. He prefers to make the first move when it comes to dating.
4. Liam once met a fan that had cuts on her wrist. He hugged her and told her she was beautiful.
5. Liam reckons that his accent is just a mix of the rest of the boys, as he spends so much time with them.
6. For Valentines day, Liam once bought his girlfriend roses, a box of chocolates, a huge teddy bear, one of his hoodies and a Justin Bieber CD.
7. Zayn shaved a slit in Liam's eyebrow when he was asleep.
8. When he is asked his nickname he replies with "Daddy Directioner".
9. Liam doesn't like it when girls make the first move.
10. Liam used to skip school to avoid being bullied by classmates. :'(
11. It's said that Liam gives the best hugs because he rubs your back as he hugs you.
12. Liam once asked a girl out by singing Mario's "Let Me Love You" she said yes but dumped him the next day.
13. Liam's turn ons are knee socks, public displays of affection, giggling, squeaking, tattoo's and curly hair. (got the hair part down)
14. If he could have any superpower he would choose invisibility.
15. Liam cried the first time he saw the Lion King.
16. His turn offs are burping, farting, swearing, fake tan and bling.
17. Liam gave a fan his number once.
18. Liam is a huge softy. He couldn't dump a girl because if they cried he'd take them back.
19. Liam once said that the cure to One Direction infection is to kiss Harry.
20. Liam's favorite films are the Batman series.
1. Louis likes to remind the boys that he has the biggest biceps in the group.
2. Louis says when he's bored he'll poke Harry to annoy him.
3. The rest of the band all thought Louis was quite when they all first met. (well we know they got that wrong)
4. Louis favorite band is the Fray.
5. Louis once sprayed a security guard with silly string because he wouldn't let him hug a fan.
6. An interviewer once asked Louis "If you could visit any planet, where would you go?". Louis replied with "Narnia!"
7. In school Louis was dared to walk into the girls bathroom and makeout with the first girl he saw. He ended up in detention.
8. Louis calls his mom most nights.
9. Louis has liked Zayn's lips before.
10. Louis once retweeted a tweet saying "Harry's face, Harry's eyes, Harry's everything. He's just so beautiful.
11. Louis once tweeted 'Hows this, Larry is the biggest load of bullshit i have ever heard. I'm happy why can't you accept that?'.
12. He loves macaroni and cheese, but has to get Harry to make it for him as he can't cook.
13. A fan gave Louis a 'I Ship Bullshit' balloon at a signing. She was referring to when Louis said "Larry is bullshit" on twitter.
14. Louis spent his first ever paycheck on adopting a chimpanzee named Larry.
15. Louis says he isn't brave enough to get his nipples pierced.
16. Louis described the kiss on his cheek from Cheryl Cole as "The best moment of his life".
17. Louis said he's really good with kids. ;D
18. When his mom was pregnant he asked her "Do you love the baby in your stomach?", she said "Of course i do.", he replied "Then why did you eat it?".
19. Louis once went to the cinema to watch a film but didn't know it was 3D and complained to the manager after because it was blurry.
20. Louis dreams about Harry and Niall the most.
1. He dislocated he knee playing football (soccer) and now has a 67% chance it will dislocate itself randomly.
2. He doesn't like it when fans ask him for a follow back.
3. At a signing a girl asked him for a hug, bu the security guard stopped him. Niall replied "No! I want to hug her."
4. Niall once said "I hate it when girls act cause they think it's cute. Intelligence is sexy."
5. Harry walked into a glass door in LA and Niall couldn't stop laughing at Harry. Then he ended up walking into it himself. (Karma)
6. Niall's half eaten Vegemite toast sold on eBay for $99,999.
7. Niall once said "When i was 12 all of my friends had girlfriends and i was the only one who didn't. I felt lonely, so i asked my mom to date me,"
8. Niall said his girlfriend would look most beautiful with no makeup on.
9. Niall thinks he is the ugliest in the bands. (oooooh, baby, :( don't think that)
10. Niall's aftershave is Armani Mania.
11. The only book Niall has read is "To Kill A Mocking Bird". (i loooooooove that book!)
12. Louis once implied that Demi Lovato was chubby. Niall got mad.
13. Niall's ideal first date would be eating spaghetti (messily) in a posh restaurant.
14. Niall likes shy girls. (well I'm doomed :(, because i am the opposite of shy)
15. Niall would occasionally get teased in school for getting high marks.
16. Niall says 12-13 year old perverted fans scare him.
17. Niall loves his bed almost as much as he loves food and sleeping.
18. Horan means 'the whore' in Swedish.
19. Niall finds it attractive when girls can put on different accents and speak more than one language. (well i guess i have a better chance than i thought)
20. Niall has about 30 snapbacks.
And last but not least, Harry...
1. He prefers quiet dates at home or for a meal so he can get to know the girl properly.
2. Harry once gave a 20$ bill to a homeless man in New York City.
3. Harry usually sleeps with a blanket he's had since he was little.
4. At the airport, a paparazzi asked Harry "Toss" his hair again. He said "Sorry?", he was confused because in the UK the word 'toss' means to masturbate.
5. harry wants his first baby girls to be named "Darcy".
6. Harry once said that he's glad he has sisters, as it help him know how to treat girls.
7. Harry is a fan of the Hunger Games.
8. Harry said the weirdest thing he has ever heard about himself is that he was dead.
9. If he's interested in a fan he'd ask for her name, twitter and say "i love you!" first before they leave.
10. When Harry was younger he was kicked out of a supermarket for swearing at costumers.
11. He'd date someone three years younger, but if it wasn't possible he'd wait for her.
12. Harry speaks french.
13. Harry likes it when girls wear his clothes.
14. Harry has a tattoo above his star that says "Hi".
15. Harry was supposed to kiss Carly on iCarly, but he didn't want to.
16. Harry's perfect first date would be watching 'Love Actually' and eating sweet popcorn.
17. He takes long showers.
18. Harry always dreamed of playing hide and seek under the sheets with his girlfriend.
19. Harry sometimes talks in his sleep.
20. He likes pink on a girl.
Alright well now that i have done those, it's time for the bonus picture facts!
This next one isn't really a fact (it's more of a quote) but i thought it was so sweet i just had to post it.
Now, like always, a video!
This video made me cry :'( please watch, very important message.
I wish i knew if you could still text in a donation, if anyone reading this knows you can please leave a comment so i know and send a donation yourself, these children need your help.
Thanks again for reading and come back next weekend for more. Bye!
Friday, February 22, 2013
1D quotes
Oh My Gosh!!!!!! Just realized that my 1D facts post disappeared!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will post it again (probably not with all the same facts) next week. By the way I've decided only to post on either Saturday or Sunday every week because i am just to busy to try and post everyday. But today i will post 20 1D quotes.
1. "When i bought Take Me Home the cashier told me i looked a lot like Zayn Malik. I said i get that a lot." -Zayn Malik
2. "Without the fans there's no reason to be One Direction." -Zayn Malik
3. "There's nothing better than lying in bed or on the couch with a girl just to talk. I know it sounds corny, but it's my thing." -Zayn Malik
4. "Just because you don't have a prince, doesn't mean your not a princess." -Zayn Malik
5. "When i was 12 all of my friends had girlfriends and i didn't, i felt lonely so i asked my mom to date me." -Niall Horan
6. "I'll always defend the people i love, even though I'm as scary as a...as a...baby penguin?" -Niall Horan
7. "Zayn is a very protective guy, especially when it comes to Niall." -Harry Styles
8. "I once woke up at a random guy's house and i didn't actually know who he was." -Louis Tomlinson
9. "Zayn encourages me to go out with girl, some of his friends or people we know. But i say my princess is on her way, i have to wait." -Niall Horan
10. "When Niall shares his food with another girl we know she's special." -Louis Tomlinson
11. "We cut up lemons on a chop board because they are good for our voices." -Niall Horan
12. "There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there's so much more to the book then the page you were stuck on." -Zayn Malik
13. "It's incredible to have people showing there support when your doing something you love." -Louis Tomlinson
14. "There's nothing that annoys me more than people being horrible to my mates." -Louis Tomlinson
15. "I'd rather be a boy and play with paper planes, than be a man and play with a woman's heart." -Niall Horan
16. "Anyone who is funny and doesn't take herself seriously is attractive to me." -Niall Horan
17. "I don't need the perfect one, i just need somebody who will make me feel like I'm the only one." -Zayn Malik
18. "The next girlfriend of Niall's must feel special...Niall waited so long for you." -Liam Payne
19. "I don't know if we'll ever get used to the attention from the fans." -Louis Tomlinson
20. "My accent always works on girls, they like it, i don't know why?" -Niall Horan (Lord jesus help this lost child)
Alright thanks for reading. And sorry i haven't posted in a while. I will post some bonus pictures with quotes as an apology for not posting in forever! And then a video!
One for Niall...
One for Zayn...
One for Liam...
One for Harry...
And one for Louis...
1. "When i bought Take Me Home the cashier told me i looked a lot like Zayn Malik. I said i get that a lot." -Zayn Malik
2. "Without the fans there's no reason to be One Direction." -Zayn Malik
3. "There's nothing better than lying in bed or on the couch with a girl just to talk. I know it sounds corny, but it's my thing." -Zayn Malik
4. "Just because you don't have a prince, doesn't mean your not a princess." -Zayn Malik
5. "When i was 12 all of my friends had girlfriends and i didn't, i felt lonely so i asked my mom to date me." -Niall Horan
6. "I'll always defend the people i love, even though I'm as scary as a...as a...baby penguin?" -Niall Horan
7. "Zayn is a very protective guy, especially when it comes to Niall." -Harry Styles
8. "I once woke up at a random guy's house and i didn't actually know who he was." -Louis Tomlinson
9. "Zayn encourages me to go out with girl, some of his friends or people we know. But i say my princess is on her way, i have to wait." -Niall Horan
10. "When Niall shares his food with another girl we know she's special." -Louis Tomlinson
11. "We cut up lemons on a chop board because they are good for our voices." -Niall Horan
12. "There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there's so much more to the book then the page you were stuck on." -Zayn Malik
13. "It's incredible to have people showing there support when your doing something you love." -Louis Tomlinson
14. "There's nothing that annoys me more than people being horrible to my mates." -Louis Tomlinson
15. "I'd rather be a boy and play with paper planes, than be a man and play with a woman's heart." -Niall Horan
16. "Anyone who is funny and doesn't take herself seriously is attractive to me." -Niall Horan
17. "I don't need the perfect one, i just need somebody who will make me feel like I'm the only one." -Zayn Malik
18. "The next girlfriend of Niall's must feel special...Niall waited so long for you." -Liam Payne
19. "I don't know if we'll ever get used to the attention from the fans." -Louis Tomlinson
20. "My accent always works on girls, they like it, i don't know why?" -Niall Horan (Lord jesus help this lost child)
Alright thanks for reading. And sorry i haven't posted in a while. I will post some bonus pictures with quotes as an apology for not posting in forever! And then a video!
One for Niall...
I love this video!!! Just came out yesterday in Canada :( I couldn't wait for it! And here it is, enjoy!
Thanks for reading, and come back next week!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
My second imagine, with Liam!
When you see this ___ put your name in. Enjoy!. By the way it's kinda long, but i kept getting ideas.
So you and Liam have been dating for about three months and are about to move in with each other next week when Liam gets home from the tour. You are extremely excited, you think he's the one! You go to your room to do some packing and turn on the TV for some background music, it's on the news channel. Your packing up some shirts when you hear the newscaster mention One Direction. You immediately stop packing, turn up the TV and listen to what the newscaster is saying.
"Is Liam Payne of One Direction cheating on his girlfriend ___? This is what all One Direction fans were wondering this morning when an anonymous girl posted nude pictures of Payne in the shower on Twitter. She said that her and Liam had a wonderful night and had just finished taking a soothing shower together. Is this really true? I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
You turn the TV off and sit on your bed in silence, the newscasters words ringing through your head "Is this really true? I guess we'll just have to wait and see." You think to yourself "This isn't true, this isn't true." But for some reason something in side you just doesn't believe that.
For the next week (though it feels like months) you can't stop thinking about what you herd on the news.
It's finally the day Liam comes home and you guys get to move into your new house together, but you don't feel as excited as you should. Liam's plane got in 45 minutes ago and he should be here any minute. You sit in your kitchen waiting patiently, when you here a knock on the door. You open the door, standing there is Liam, with the biggest, most beautiful smile on his face and for a second, everything about the news story fades out of your mind, but when he hugs you it all comes rushing back.
"___!" says Liam picking you up and spinning you around. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you to." you say timidly.
"What's wrong?" says Liam putting you down.
"Nothing." you lie. "Just tired."
"Oh, well hopefully your not to tired to move some boxes because...it's moving day!" says Liam excitedly.
"Well I'll try." you say, forcing a smile.
For the next two days you and Liam go back and forth to your house and his with the movers, moving boxes and furniture into your new home. The whole time your wishing you never herd the story on the news. When you and Liam are finished organizing your things and finally started to relax after moving, Liam notices that you have been acting a bit strange.
"Alright ___ what's going on? Your not talking much and you don't seem happy." Liam says worriedly.
"Oh it's nothing." you lie again. You don't like lying to him but your to scared to talk about whats really wrong. "I think I've just come down with something, I'm sure I'll be better soon."
"Alright, If you say so." says Liam, sounding a little suspicious.
Over the course of the next few weeks you see that Liam is leaving a lot and not telling you where he's going, you get worried. One night you and Liam are sitting at the dinner table and you decide to ask some questions.
"Liam, why have you been leaving so often without telling me?"
"Well...I've, um...just been going around, meeting the neighbors, seeing whats around." says Liam suspiciously.
"Ok well...i was wondering if you would maybe like to go on a dinner date sometime? We haven't gone out and treated our selves in a while." you say hoping he'll agree and you'll be able to get some answers out of him.
"Perfect!" says Liam excitedly. "I was about to say the same thing! How about tomorrow night at that restaurant by the boardwalk?"
"Sure." you say happily.
So you and Liam go out the next night and have a wonderful dinner and afterwards go out onto the boardwalk to watch the sunset. You look over at Liam as he is enjoying the sunset when you think how much the newscast about the cheating is still bothering you so much, and decide to round up the courage to ask him about it.
"So Liam." you say. "About a week before you came home from the tour there was this news cast, about...well...about this girl who said she slept with you." there you said it and now you just have to be prepared for his answer.
"Huh?" Liam says confused. "Oh yes, that, what people do for attention these days?"
"Oh ok." you say
"Wait?" says Liam. "Did you actually believe that?"
"Well..." you say embarrassed.
"Really ___, really?! Why would you even think that?" says Liam now getting angry.
"I'm sorry i just hadn't seen you in a while and...well..." your now regretting say anything at all.
"I can't believe you." Liam now looks like he is about to cry.
"Well i did at first, and then when you came home it kinda sounded silly, but then when you kept disappearing for no reason i started to worry." you feel like your going to cry. "Why did you keep leaving all the time? Because i know it wasn't to go and meet the neighbors."
"It was because i love you." he says.
"Huh?" you don't get it. But when you turn towards Liam you know what he means. He gets down on one knee, and says.
"___, i love you more than anything in the world, and when i am away on tour, i miss you so much i could die..."
The rest to you is a big blur, you are so surprised, and you feel so stupid for thinking that he was cheating on you. When you finally except what is happening, your mind clears just in time to hear.
"Will you marry me?"
Immediately a smile spreads across your face and without hesitation you say...
"Yes! Yes Liam Payne, i will marry you." and when Liam presses his lips to yours, you feel like the happiest girl in the world.
So eight months later you and Liam are leaving the church to go on your luxury honey moon in Paris. You live happily...ever...after!
So you and Liam have been dating for about three months and are about to move in with each other next week when Liam gets home from the tour. You are extremely excited, you think he's the one! You go to your room to do some packing and turn on the TV for some background music, it's on the news channel. Your packing up some shirts when you hear the newscaster mention One Direction. You immediately stop packing, turn up the TV and listen to what the newscaster is saying.
"Is Liam Payne of One Direction cheating on his girlfriend ___? This is what all One Direction fans were wondering this morning when an anonymous girl posted nude pictures of Payne in the shower on Twitter. She said that her and Liam had a wonderful night and had just finished taking a soothing shower together. Is this really true? I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
You turn the TV off and sit on your bed in silence, the newscasters words ringing through your head "Is this really true? I guess we'll just have to wait and see." You think to yourself "This isn't true, this isn't true." But for some reason something in side you just doesn't believe that.
For the next week (though it feels like months) you can't stop thinking about what you herd on the news.
It's finally the day Liam comes home and you guys get to move into your new house together, but you don't feel as excited as you should. Liam's plane got in 45 minutes ago and he should be here any minute. You sit in your kitchen waiting patiently, when you here a knock on the door. You open the door, standing there is Liam, with the biggest, most beautiful smile on his face and for a second, everything about the news story fades out of your mind, but when he hugs you it all comes rushing back.
"___!" says Liam picking you up and spinning you around. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you to." you say timidly.
"What's wrong?" says Liam putting you down.
"Nothing." you lie. "Just tired."
"Oh, well hopefully your not to tired to move some boxes because...it's moving day!" says Liam excitedly.
"Well I'll try." you say, forcing a smile.
For the next two days you and Liam go back and forth to your house and his with the movers, moving boxes and furniture into your new home. The whole time your wishing you never herd the story on the news. When you and Liam are finished organizing your things and finally started to relax after moving, Liam notices that you have been acting a bit strange.
"Alright ___ what's going on? Your not talking much and you don't seem happy." Liam says worriedly.
"Oh it's nothing." you lie again. You don't like lying to him but your to scared to talk about whats really wrong. "I think I've just come down with something, I'm sure I'll be better soon."
"Alright, If you say so." says Liam, sounding a little suspicious.
Over the course of the next few weeks you see that Liam is leaving a lot and not telling you where he's going, you get worried. One night you and Liam are sitting at the dinner table and you decide to ask some questions.
"Liam, why have you been leaving so often without telling me?"
"Well...I've, um...just been going around, meeting the neighbors, seeing whats around." says Liam suspiciously.
"Ok well...i was wondering if you would maybe like to go on a dinner date sometime? We haven't gone out and treated our selves in a while." you say hoping he'll agree and you'll be able to get some answers out of him.
"Perfect!" says Liam excitedly. "I was about to say the same thing! How about tomorrow night at that restaurant by the boardwalk?"
"Sure." you say happily.
So you and Liam go out the next night and have a wonderful dinner and afterwards go out onto the boardwalk to watch the sunset. You look over at Liam as he is enjoying the sunset when you think how much the newscast about the cheating is still bothering you so much, and decide to round up the courage to ask him about it.
"So Liam." you say. "About a week before you came home from the tour there was this news cast, about...well...about this girl who said she slept with you." there you said it and now you just have to be prepared for his answer.
"Huh?" Liam says confused. "Oh yes, that, what people do for attention these days?"
"Oh ok." you say
"Wait?" says Liam. "Did you actually believe that?"
"Well..." you say embarrassed.
"Really ___, really?! Why would you even think that?" says Liam now getting angry.
"I'm sorry i just hadn't seen you in a while and...well..." your now regretting say anything at all.
"I can't believe you." Liam now looks like he is about to cry.
"Well i did at first, and then when you came home it kinda sounded silly, but then when you kept disappearing for no reason i started to worry." you feel like your going to cry. "Why did you keep leaving all the time? Because i know it wasn't to go and meet the neighbors."
"It was because i love you." he says.
"Huh?" you don't get it. But when you turn towards Liam you know what he means. He gets down on one knee, and says.
"___, i love you more than anything in the world, and when i am away on tour, i miss you so much i could die..."
The rest to you is a big blur, you are so surprised, and you feel so stupid for thinking that he was cheating on you. When you finally except what is happening, your mind clears just in time to hear.
"Will you marry me?"
Immediately a smile spreads across your face and without hesitation you say...
"Yes! Yes Liam Payne, i will marry you." and when Liam presses his lips to yours, you feel like the happiest girl in the world.
So eight months later you and Liam are leaving the church to go on your luxury honey moon in Paris. You live happily...ever...after!
Friday, February 15, 2013
My first imagine
Hey this is my first imagine. Hope you like it. I'm going to start off and do one with Zayn. When you see this ___ put your name in. Enjoy.
Your lying on the beach soaking up the sun when suddenly someone trips over you.
"Hey! Watch it!" you say angrily.
"Sorry love, i didn't see you there." said the mystery person.
Your about to lay down and start relaxing again when suddenly you realize you recognize that voice! You look up and standing above you is Zayn Malik of One Direction!
"Vas Happenin?" says Zayn.
You stare at Zayn with a loss for words.
"Ya, i know, cheesy right?" says Zayn, a little embarrassed.
Finally your able to take in the fact that Zayn Malik it talking to you, and you say.
"It's ok. I think it's kinda funny."
"Thanks." he says. "I'm Zayn. And you are?"
"___." you say to him smiling.
"Lovely name. Well I'm sorry for tripping over you. Is there any way i can make it up to you?" Zayn says.
"Thanks. And i guess you could buy me an ice-cream." you say, hoping Zayn wont think that's to much to ask.
"Of course!" he says.
You exchange numbers and later meet up for ice-cream. After ice-cream Zayn asks you if you want to go see a movie or something. Obviously you say yes. You end up falling deeply in love and dating for three years before Zayn proposes. You get married, have two kids and live happily ever after.
Hope you liked it!
Your lying on the beach soaking up the sun when suddenly someone trips over you.
"Hey! Watch it!" you say angrily.
"Sorry love, i didn't see you there." said the mystery person.
Your about to lay down and start relaxing again when suddenly you realize you recognize that voice! You look up and standing above you is Zayn Malik of One Direction!
"Vas Happenin?" says Zayn.
You stare at Zayn with a loss for words.
"Ya, i know, cheesy right?" says Zayn, a little embarrassed.
Finally your able to take in the fact that Zayn Malik it talking to you, and you say.
"It's ok. I think it's kinda funny."
"Thanks." he says. "I'm Zayn. And you are?"
"___." you say to him smiling.
"Lovely name. Well I'm sorry for tripping over you. Is there any way i can make it up to you?" Zayn says.
"Thanks. And i guess you could buy me an ice-cream." you say, hoping Zayn wont think that's to much to ask.
"Of course!" he says.
You exchange numbers and later meet up for ice-cream. After ice-cream Zayn asks you if you want to go see a movie or something. Obviously you say yes. You end up falling deeply in love and dating for three years before Zayn proposes. You get married, have two kids and live happily ever after.
Hope you liked it!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Happy belated birthday Hazza, and...Niall time!
Aaaaaaah, sorry i haven't posted in a while. Just looked at my blog and realized that my birthday post for Harry didn't go through so i will do it again. And since I'm sure a lot of you have been waiting for the Niall post so i will do both today. I'm going to do the birthday post first.
It's been a long and exiting journey from the X Factor, to Up All Night, to the Olympics, to your Awards, to Take Me Home, to Ghana and more..... We all love you and your finally all grown up, 19. All of your Directioners will be behind you forever and will never give up on you. We love you Hazza, Cupcake, Harry and more. Keep going strong. Now some pictures so the memory's will keep flowing.
We will always remember the first time we saw Mr. Harold Edward Styles.
We all knew once your first album, Up All Night was out One Direction was forever.
And at the Olympics you earned the title of the youngest band to ever perform at the Olympics.
And those awesome moments when you got your awards. (sorry about the blurry pictures)
And then when we all herd Little Things we all knew you were growing up. (until we herd Kiss You :P)
And then when you guys went to Ghana you were all even more perfect.
Please always remember we love you and whenever a bad rumor is we will never believe anything until we here you speak about it, or when you are hurt we will always send our prayers and love.
Well hope you liked my Birthday post for Harry. No we will move on to Mr. Niall which we have all been waiting so long for. First the facts.
Full name: Niall James Horan.
Age: 19.
Birthday: September 13, 1993.
From: Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland.
Parents: Father: Bobby Horan. Mother: Maura Gallagher.
Siblings: Older brother Greg.
Favorite restaurant: Nandos.
Now some pictures.
Isn't he adorable?
His eyes...just his eyes...i can't...aaaaaaaahhhh...
Hey there Niall...;) (once again sorry about the blurry pictures).
My little Leprechaun.
Comment if you loved Niall's uneven teeth and were upset when he got braces, i know i was. Also comment if if you liked Niall's blonde hair or if you liked his brown hair.
Now a video.
When i herd this song i immediately loved it, hope you do too!
Once again thanks for reading and hopefully next time there wont be so long in between posts but i was super busy. Thanks again, bye!
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