Here you go! I said i would update on Friday and i am! :) Enjoy!
"You have got to be kidding." Zoe spoke disbelievingly.
"I wish i was."
My head sunk down into my hands, a deep sigh falling out of my mouth. When i raised my head the other two girls were staring at me. Lucy slowly spun round on my desk chair, her face gave off the impression she was deep in thought.
"Well, what are you going to do?" Zoe asked.
She was sat beside me at the top of my bed, our backs leaning against the headboard.
"There's not much i can do, he knows where i live."
My bedroom door flung open to reveal a panting Charlotte. She bent down undoing her laces before slipping her shoes off. Her hands pushed her hair back from her face, attempting to tame the wild locks.
"Sorry I'm late, what did i miss?"
She dropped her back to the floor before climbing onto the bed and crossing her lags. She looked at me expectantly but Lucy cut in.
"Bo is being stalked by an extremely attractive but scary but, who followed her home, saw her in her underwear then turned up i n her kitchen the next morning and he's now like best friends with her Mum." Lucy's words poured from her mouth.
Charlotte's eyes grew wide. Her head turning from face to face.
"Oh and she's going on a date with him tonight." Lucy finished.
Her head shook trying to take everything in. There was silence for a few seconds.
"Harry followed you home? I knew we should have stayed with you that night!" Charlotte threw her arms up.
"Can't you just tell him no?" Zoe asked.
"But he knows where i live now, and my Mum thinks he's the best thing ever. You should have heard her yesterday, she was so happy. And besides, we all know about his reputation, i don't want anyone i care about to get hurt."
Lucy planted her feet on the floor at my words, ceasing her nervous spinning.
"Well, what about you getting hurt?" She spoke quietly.
I placed my hand over my eyes, wishing i had never even met Harry. This couldn't possibly get any worse. My mind wandered, i still had no idea where he was even taking me on our "date". I used the term "date" loosely as i had no desire to spend an evening with him, knowing full well it was probably just an opportunity for him to feel me up. I leaned into Zoe's shoulder as she wrapped her arms round me.
"It's going to be alright." She tried to reassure me.
But something in her tone made me think she wasn't convinced by her own words.
I scrolled though Tumblr on my laptop, lying on my front with my ankles cross in the air. A wave of anxiety swept though my body as i glanced at the clock on my bedside table. It wouldn't be long until the torture of seeing Harry would begin. My fingers eased though my hair which was still a little damp from the shower.
"Bo?" My Mum called though the door.
"Come in."
She pushed the door open, her smile fading when she was me sprawled out on the bed.
"Why aren't you dressed? Harry's going to be here soon."
I felt like rolling my eyes, if only she knew what he was really like. She started to walk over to my wardrobe, but i quickly stopped her. I scrabbled off the bed, stepping in front of her.
"Mum. i can do it." I huffed.
"Don't be too long."
Once she had closed my bedroom door behind her i fell back onto my bed. I cursed quietly under my breath. My head turned sharply, my phone buzzing beside me. I picked it up and opened the text.
From: Harry
I'm taking you out for dinner. Wear something sexy. H x
I didn't reply, throwing the phone onto my duvet as i opened my drawers. I tugged out a top, deeming it more pretty than sexy. My hands went to the hem of my t-shirt but i stopped myself before removing it. Glancing over to the window, my hands yanked the curtains shut. I quickly undressed, chucking my clothing to the floor before hopping round and pulling up my skinny jeans. My long hair fell round my shoulders as i stared at my reflection in the mirror. I had applied some make up, my eyelashes looking longer and darker. The clear lip gloss was dabbed over my lips and i swept a small amount of blusher over my cheeks. I took in a deep breath which puffed out in a sigh.
I jumped as i heard my phone vibrate again. I forced down the lump in my throat as my fingers clasped round it. To my relief it was a text from Lucy.
From: Lucy
Be careful, the girls and i are thinking of you. Xx
A small smile spread across my face knowing that they were there for me. I placed the phone in my bag along with my keys and other essentials. My eyes darted over to the clock. Harry would be here in about 10 minutes, i felt like my heart was in my mouth. i hated it. it was like waiting to take an exam or sitting in the doctor's office knowing you had to have an injection.
My ears perked up upon hearing a car pull up outside. I stumbled to the window, peeking out from behind the curtain. harry stepped down from the large vehicle before slamming the door behind him. I grabbed my jacket from the wardrobe, not bothering to pick up the hanger that dropped to the floor. Pulling on my shoes i yanked the door open to my bedroom. The sooner this is over, the better.
"Bo! Harry's here."
"Alright!" i snapped.
I didn't mean to be so harsh, but the whole situation was really getting to me. Reluctantly, i descended the stairs to find my Mum stood in the living room doorway waiting for me.
"You look lovely." She smiled.
"Thanks Mum."
Both our heads twisted to where the knocking was coming from. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before gently nudging me to the front door. i turned my head just in time to see her disappear, leaving me alone in the hallway. I drew in a deep breath, trying to prepare myself. It wasn't much use though; i don't think any amount of preparation would have helped me. My trembling hand caught hold of the handle. I opened the door to reveal a tall figure, a dimpled smile across his face.
"Hello, beautiful."
Come back again sometime this weekend for my regular weekly post!
The ultimate One Direction blog for all Directioners, new or old. Post's quiz's, HD pictures, facts, quotes and more!

Friday, May 24, 2013
Harry Styles famous fanfiction Dark, Chapter 3 (NOT MY WORK)
chapter three,
harry styles,
one direction,
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Harry Styles famous fanfiction Dark, Chapter 2 (NOT MY WORK)
Hey like i said i would put the second chapter of Dark up on Wednesday (which is today) so i am! Enjoy!
I climbed out of the taxi after paying my part of the fare. My friends returned my wave as i walked up to the front door of my house. They had practically interrogated me about what had happened with Harry. I was still a little shook up by the whole thing.
Once inside my room i peeled off my clothes and threw them in the washing basket. I quickly brushed through my dark hair before wandering over to the chest of drawers. The t-shirt was swiftly pulled over my head, hopping over to the bathroom whilst yanking up my pajama bottoms. I sleepily turned on the light, getting my toothbrush from the holder and squirting toothpaste onto the bristles. I opened my mouth and started to clean. Pushing my hair off my shoulder i tilted my head to the side. The toothbrush fell from my parted lips and clattered into the sink. I was shocked when i saw the sore red patch of skin, which held hints of purple. I brushed my fingertips over my neck, wincing slightly He'd marked me. I shuddered at the thought, trying to shake of the feeling of his lips on my skin and how his tongue soothed over the bite. His words "You're mine now." echoed through my mind. I tried to push Harry from my thoughts, quickly going back to cleaning my teeth.
I finished off getting ready for bed before sinking back into the covers. My head rolled to the side and i patted at the duvet until i found the source of the buzzing. I held my phone up in front of my face. The text was from Harry. My heart sped up a little as i forced myself to open the message.
From: Harry
"You know, you should probably close you curtains before stripping off. Thanks for the show, Love. H x"
I jolted up out of bed and over to the window. I peered out, my eyes landing on a large black vehicle on the opposite side of the road. Fear struck through me. Harry was lent against the car, arms folded across his strong chest. Even in the dark i could tell he had an arrogant smirk plastered across his face. He pushed himself from the vehicle, walking round the front and climbing in the driver's seat on the other side. Before i knew it the car had accelerated down the road and out of sight.
"What have i got myself into."
"Morning, Bo."
My mum called from the kitchen upon hearing my creek down the stairs. Walking down the hall i glanced in the mirror hung on the wall. I had to take a second look as i remembered the horrible bruise marked onto my skin. I quickly covered my neck, pulling my long hair over my shoulder. Once satisfied it was hidden i pushed the kitchen door open.
"Mornin' M..."
I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of a mop of dark brown curls, sat up at the counter. This couldn't be happening. With my mum's back to him, Harry was free to trail his green eyes up and down my body. I felt self-conscious, his gaze then falling on my face.
"Oh Bo, this lovely boy was stood outside so i invited him in."
A grin spread across his face, deep dimples prominent.
"Hey, Harry." I forced, politely.
"Alright, Bo." He winked.
"Mum, can i speak to you for a second?" I asked through gritted teeth.
I flashed harry a pained smile before tugging my mother into the hall. Once i was sure he wouldn't be able to hear i started to talk.
"Why did you invite him in?" I whispered angrily.
"He said he was a friend of yours, he's very sweet." She gushed.
"Mum, he could have been a murderer." I scolded.
"Of course he's not, Harry's adorable."
I rolled my eyes at my mother. I felt sure he had used this "charm" on her. My fingers rubbed against my temples trying to get my head round the situation. I didn't know who i was angrier at, Harry for turning up uninvited or my Mum for letting him in.
"I made breakfast. Come on."
She took my hand and pulled me back to the kitchen where Harry was still sat. He grinned as i walked over to him and sat on the stool next to his. A gasp fell from my lips as Harry's warm hand ran up my thigh. I smacked it away, only for him to laugh quietly. I had a horrible feeling he enjoyed it when i fought back. My Mum was turned away from us as she concentrated on not burning the mixture in the pan.
"Mmmm." Harry hummed softly.
He began to lean into me but i placed my hand on his shoulder before he could get too close.
"Why are you here?" I whispered sharply.
"To see you." He smirked.
My touch withdrew from his warm body. I didn't like the way his eyes kept contact with mine. There had to be another reason why he had appeared uninvited. My head dropped down, no longer being able to look at him. I jumped slightly as i felt his hand cup my chin and tilt in up to him again.
"I want to take you out tomorrow night." He spoke.
I shivered at his words, a statement rather than a question. My eyes widened as my Mum turned round with a smile on her face.
"W-what?" I stuttered.
"Oh, that would be lovely, wouldn't it, Bo?" She gushed.
Harry dropped his hand form my face to have it rest on my knee under the counter. I was about to object when my mother cut in again.
"She'd love that."
"Why didn't you just call me, why come here?" I asked frustrated.
"Because you would have said no." He whispered quietly.
"What makes you think i won't say no, now?" I asked harshly.
His eyes flicked over my Mum, who looked a little upset that i hadn't said yes strait away. I wasn't really that popular with boys and i could tell how happy she was that harry had turned up on our doorstep. To her this was a dream come true, having an attractive guy ask her daughter out. For me, this was my worst nightmare. Not only had he given me a horrendous love bite, against my will, but he had also seen me in my underwear, all in the space of a couple of hours. And more to the point he scared the crap out of me. Before i knew what was happening, my Mum and Harry had arranged a time for him to pick my up the next evening. My mouth hung open as Harry smirked at me.
"Well, I've got to be off. Thanks for the pancakes Mrs. Ellis."
"Call me Heather."
He smiled at her before stepping down from the stool. I was frozen as he leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek.
"Bo, walk him out." My Mum encouraged me quietly.
I huffed, jumping down with my mother ushering me out after him. The kitchen door swung closed, i was alone in the hallway with Harry. He didn't waste any time pushing me up against the wall. My eyes squeezed closed in a wince. His body pressed into mine, holding me in place. Both my wrists were trapped in one of his large hands. I saw him smirk as i tried my best to increase the distance between us, but he was too strong. His tall figure towering over me.
"Don't." I begged.
Harry ignored my protest, his fingers softly brushing over my cheek. My long hair was pushed away from my shoulder as he started at the bruise he had inflicted on my skin, his moth curling up into a smile.
"Looks good on you." he whispered into my ear.
I flinched as he pressed his lips to the mark on my neck. He was careful not to press too hard. I relaxed a little when he pulled away, hoping that would be the end of the torture and he would leave. But unfortunately that didn't happen. Harry remained close, his curly hair tickling my cheek as he planted another kiss to the spot where my jaw met my neck.
"You smell good." He breathily spoke.
He painfully, pinned my wrists to the wall before slowly grinding his hips into mine. I whimpered at the rough contact as Harry let out a throaty groan. My head fell forward onto his shoulder, i felt like my legs would give way any second. His chest rose and fell quickly as his breathing increased.
Before i knew it, Harry had released me. I turned my head to see him a the door.
"See you tomorrow night, Bo."
He winked at me and then he was gone. My head was spinning as i slumped down the wall to sit on the floor.
Thanks for reading! Come back Friday for more!
I climbed out of the taxi after paying my part of the fare. My friends returned my wave as i walked up to the front door of my house. They had practically interrogated me about what had happened with Harry. I was still a little shook up by the whole thing.
Once inside my room i peeled off my clothes and threw them in the washing basket. I quickly brushed through my dark hair before wandering over to the chest of drawers. The t-shirt was swiftly pulled over my head, hopping over to the bathroom whilst yanking up my pajama bottoms. I sleepily turned on the light, getting my toothbrush from the holder and squirting toothpaste onto the bristles. I opened my mouth and started to clean. Pushing my hair off my shoulder i tilted my head to the side. The toothbrush fell from my parted lips and clattered into the sink. I was shocked when i saw the sore red patch of skin, which held hints of purple. I brushed my fingertips over my neck, wincing slightly He'd marked me. I shuddered at the thought, trying to shake of the feeling of his lips on my skin and how his tongue soothed over the bite. His words "You're mine now." echoed through my mind. I tried to push Harry from my thoughts, quickly going back to cleaning my teeth.
I finished off getting ready for bed before sinking back into the covers. My head rolled to the side and i patted at the duvet until i found the source of the buzzing. I held my phone up in front of my face. The text was from Harry. My heart sped up a little as i forced myself to open the message.
From: Harry
"You know, you should probably close you curtains before stripping off. Thanks for the show, Love. H x"
I jolted up out of bed and over to the window. I peered out, my eyes landing on a large black vehicle on the opposite side of the road. Fear struck through me. Harry was lent against the car, arms folded across his strong chest. Even in the dark i could tell he had an arrogant smirk plastered across his face. He pushed himself from the vehicle, walking round the front and climbing in the driver's seat on the other side. Before i knew it the car had accelerated down the road and out of sight.
"What have i got myself into."
"Morning, Bo."
My mum called from the kitchen upon hearing my creek down the stairs. Walking down the hall i glanced in the mirror hung on the wall. I had to take a second look as i remembered the horrible bruise marked onto my skin. I quickly covered my neck, pulling my long hair over my shoulder. Once satisfied it was hidden i pushed the kitchen door open.
"Mornin' M..."
I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of a mop of dark brown curls, sat up at the counter. This couldn't be happening. With my mum's back to him, Harry was free to trail his green eyes up and down my body. I felt self-conscious, his gaze then falling on my face.
"Oh Bo, this lovely boy was stood outside so i invited him in."
A grin spread across his face, deep dimples prominent.
"Hey, Harry." I forced, politely.
"Alright, Bo." He winked.
"Mum, can i speak to you for a second?" I asked through gritted teeth.
I flashed harry a pained smile before tugging my mother into the hall. Once i was sure he wouldn't be able to hear i started to talk.
"Why did you invite him in?" I whispered angrily.
"He said he was a friend of yours, he's very sweet." She gushed.
"Mum, he could have been a murderer." I scolded.
"Of course he's not, Harry's adorable."
I rolled my eyes at my mother. I felt sure he had used this "charm" on her. My fingers rubbed against my temples trying to get my head round the situation. I didn't know who i was angrier at, Harry for turning up uninvited or my Mum for letting him in.
"I made breakfast. Come on."
She took my hand and pulled me back to the kitchen where Harry was still sat. He grinned as i walked over to him and sat on the stool next to his. A gasp fell from my lips as Harry's warm hand ran up my thigh. I smacked it away, only for him to laugh quietly. I had a horrible feeling he enjoyed it when i fought back. My Mum was turned away from us as she concentrated on not burning the mixture in the pan.
"Mmmm." Harry hummed softly.
He began to lean into me but i placed my hand on his shoulder before he could get too close.
"Why are you here?" I whispered sharply.
"To see you." He smirked.
My touch withdrew from his warm body. I didn't like the way his eyes kept contact with mine. There had to be another reason why he had appeared uninvited. My head dropped down, no longer being able to look at him. I jumped slightly as i felt his hand cup my chin and tilt in up to him again.
"I want to take you out tomorrow night." He spoke.
I shivered at his words, a statement rather than a question. My eyes widened as my Mum turned round with a smile on her face.
"W-what?" I stuttered.
"Oh, that would be lovely, wouldn't it, Bo?" She gushed.
Harry dropped his hand form my face to have it rest on my knee under the counter. I was about to object when my mother cut in again.
"She'd love that."
"Why didn't you just call me, why come here?" I asked frustrated.
"Because you would have said no." He whispered quietly.
"What makes you think i won't say no, now?" I asked harshly.
His eyes flicked over my Mum, who looked a little upset that i hadn't said yes strait away. I wasn't really that popular with boys and i could tell how happy she was that harry had turned up on our doorstep. To her this was a dream come true, having an attractive guy ask her daughter out. For me, this was my worst nightmare. Not only had he given me a horrendous love bite, against my will, but he had also seen me in my underwear, all in the space of a couple of hours. And more to the point he scared the crap out of me. Before i knew what was happening, my Mum and Harry had arranged a time for him to pick my up the next evening. My mouth hung open as Harry smirked at me.
"Well, I've got to be off. Thanks for the pancakes Mrs. Ellis."
"Call me Heather."
He smiled at her before stepping down from the stool. I was frozen as he leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek.
"Bo, walk him out." My Mum encouraged me quietly.
I huffed, jumping down with my mother ushering me out after him. The kitchen door swung closed, i was alone in the hallway with Harry. He didn't waste any time pushing me up against the wall. My eyes squeezed closed in a wince. His body pressed into mine, holding me in place. Both my wrists were trapped in one of his large hands. I saw him smirk as i tried my best to increase the distance between us, but he was too strong. His tall figure towering over me.
"Don't." I begged.
Harry ignored my protest, his fingers softly brushing over my cheek. My long hair was pushed away from my shoulder as he started at the bruise he had inflicted on my skin, his moth curling up into a smile.
"Looks good on you." he whispered into my ear.
I flinched as he pressed his lips to the mark on my neck. He was careful not to press too hard. I relaxed a little when he pulled away, hoping that would be the end of the torture and he would leave. But unfortunately that didn't happen. Harry remained close, his curly hair tickling my cheek as he planted another kiss to the spot where my jaw met my neck.
"You smell good." He breathily spoke.
He painfully, pinned my wrists to the wall before slowly grinding his hips into mine. I whimpered at the rough contact as Harry let out a throaty groan. My head fell forward onto his shoulder, i felt like my legs would give way any second. His chest rose and fell quickly as his breathing increased.
Before i knew it, Harry had released me. I turned my head to see him a the door.
"See you tomorrow night, Bo."
He winked at me and then he was gone. My head was spinning as i slumped down the wall to sit on the floor.
Thanks for reading! Come back Friday for more!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Harry Styles famous fanfiction Dark, Chapter 1 (NOT MY WORK)
Hey. I said if i got someone saying yes to posting Dark i would post the first part on Monday, which is today. No one did comment, which makes me kind of sad :( But oh well. I decided to post it anyways. Enjoy!
I immediately spotted my group of friends in the crowded room. The party had become busier as the night drew on, the house barley containing the numerous intoxicated teenagers. It was then i noticed a rather attractive male appear in the doorway of the kitchen. His smile lit up his face, brown eyes sparkling at me. My lips revealed a shy smile as he began to make his way over. But i grew a little disappointed as he stopped instantly, his vision darting to a spot over my shoulder. I spun to discover what he was intently looking at, a tall boy with dark curly hair angrily pinned him with his harsh gaze. I didn't recognize him at first, but a story my friend had frightened me with, floated to the front of my mind. This boy had lost his temper one night, beating a guy to the floor. He had a history of violent behavior, no wonder my brown-eyes guy immediately backed off. He headed strait back into the kitchen without giving me a second look.
My pules could be heard in my ears, mouth becoming dry. I stood frozen to the spot as the intimidating height of a male shadowed over me. My nervous eyes travelled up the length of his body, my fingers clutching round my cup a little tighter. His jeans clung perfectly to his lower half, a white t-shirt adorning his torso. I was yet to properly meet the dark focus i knew was trained on my face.
"Dance with me." He spoke in a raspy voice.
I didn't have time to respond before he tugged me away, the cup i was holding dropping and spilling to the floor. A large palm was placed on my lower back forcing me forwards into his body. My hand flew up to his chest to stop myself from pressing into him. His rough actions left me utterly speechless; I'd never been treated like this before. My fingers were clasped, the currently unnamed male, encouraging my hand round the back of his neck. I boldly looked up, stunned to see a pair of sparkling eyes peering down at me. They were almost a jade color, framed with dark lashes. But i soon shot off the intriguing sparks running through my body. My cautiousness heighted as pink, heart shaped lips pulled into a smirk.
"What's your name, beautiful?"
"B-Bo." I stuttered.
He smiled down at me, his overpowering presence travelling to my ear.
"I'm Harry." He hotly whispered.
Before he withdrew, the fullness of his lips pressed to the spot just below my ear. My eyes fluttered closed and i gripped his neck tighter. I released a gasp as he forced my hips to his. A deep chuckle vibrated in his chest, clearly enjoying the reaction he was drawing form me. I had never experienced anything like this before, apparently it was obvious.
"I like you." He smirked. "You're so... innocent."
His dark gaze fell down to my chest, taking advantage of his height he indulged in the view down my top. My fingers dropped form where i held his nape. The urge to redden his cheek with my palm was growing. But i restrained, still fearful of the towering male. My hands rose up to shove him away, but he caught hold of my wrists.
"Now, now." He huskily spoke.
Harry brought my arms down to my sides in his firm hold. I flinched as he took his time to run a warm touch down my back. His long fingers wriggled into the back pocket of my jeans and i soon realised he was searching for my phone. His hand lingered and i became clear that wasn't his only objective. My backside was tightly squeezed before the item of interest was taken from my jeans. The strained whimper that escaped my parted lips caused his to quirk up in a grin.
I stood silently a Harry typed in his number. A beep sounded seconds later and i realized he had texted himself from my phone. He now had my number. What on earth was going on? I had been separated from my friends for no more that five minutes and i was now in the presence of a guy who evidently only had one thing on his mind. The low moan that erupted from the back of his throat took me by surprise, Harry finding pleasure in my breasts firmly pushed to his muscled torso.
"Stop." I weakly pleaded.
I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled. His plump lips came down to my ear once again.
"I don't think so, Baby. We're gonna have some fun."
I shivered at his words. Harry frightened me, but this time my fear caused me to lash out. He withdrew slightly before my hand made contact with his face. It was clearly unexpected from the expression of anger commandeering his tight features. His left cheek was branded with a pink tinge before aggressively gripping hold of my forearms.
"I can tell you're going to be a challenge." He almost growled. "I like that." He smirked.
He dipped his head, nudging mine to the side before i felt his lips press to the skin of my neck. The ends of his curly hair tickled at my cheek. Harry reluctantly released one of my arms so he could hold the back of my head, preventing me from escaping. I instantly placed my free hand on his chest in protest, attempting to push him away as i felt him harshly suck.
"Harry." I begged.
I i fisted the front of his t-shirt between my fingers; the sharp pain intensified as his teeth grazed the skin. His breathy laugh fanned over the area as i desperately struggled against the male's hold before he continued to draw blood to the surface. The sensation was somewhat eased with the attention of his soft lips. But Harry wouldn't allow me that comfort for long, nipping hungrily at my neck with his teeth. I gasped when his tongue licked over the newly sensitive skin, planting a few kisses. he blew over the sloppy wet spot, igniting a chill through my entirety.
Harry stepped back smirking as i yanked my arm from his large hand. My fingers drifted up to my neck, sucking in a sharp breath when i dabbed the sore spot. I whimpered in fright as he drew closer.
"You're mine now." He spoke in a hushed tone.
His lustful gaze burned up and down my body before he turned and confidently strolled away. I stood stunned for a short time, unable to process what had actually happened.
"Shit." I cursed.
I hastily elbowed my way through warm bodies, desperately attempting to find my friends. When i reached them they were animatedly chatting and laughing, completely oblivious to what had taken place a matter of seconds ago. I opened my mouth to speak but was stunted.
"What's wrong?" Zoe asked, worry in her voice.
Lucy encouraged the length of my dark waves off my shoulder. Their eyes widened at the sight.
"Whoa." Charlotte's mouth hung open. "Who the hell gave you that?"
I instantly regretted my movements as i stupidly touched the painful spot on my neck again. My touch remained but my fearful eyes were locked on a spot across the room. My friend's heads curiously turned to see what i was intently fixed on, or rather who. Harry stared back, a smirk playing on his full lips. We witnessed him call goodbye to the guys he was conversing with before he made a beeline for the exit. But that wasn't before he held my focus hostage. The wink i received from Harry rendered me speechless as i watched him disappear.
I spun back to my friends. Charlotte's mouth parted to comment on the event but quickly shut it, unable to form a coherent sentence. Lucy eventually broke the silence.
"Holy shit."
Thank you for reading, i will have the next chapter out on Wednesday.
I immediately spotted my group of friends in the crowded room. The party had become busier as the night drew on, the house barley containing the numerous intoxicated teenagers. It was then i noticed a rather attractive male appear in the doorway of the kitchen. His smile lit up his face, brown eyes sparkling at me. My lips revealed a shy smile as he began to make his way over. But i grew a little disappointed as he stopped instantly, his vision darting to a spot over my shoulder. I spun to discover what he was intently looking at, a tall boy with dark curly hair angrily pinned him with his harsh gaze. I didn't recognize him at first, but a story my friend had frightened me with, floated to the front of my mind. This boy had lost his temper one night, beating a guy to the floor. He had a history of violent behavior, no wonder my brown-eyes guy immediately backed off. He headed strait back into the kitchen without giving me a second look.
My pules could be heard in my ears, mouth becoming dry. I stood frozen to the spot as the intimidating height of a male shadowed over me. My nervous eyes travelled up the length of his body, my fingers clutching round my cup a little tighter. His jeans clung perfectly to his lower half, a white t-shirt adorning his torso. I was yet to properly meet the dark focus i knew was trained on my face.
"Dance with me." He spoke in a raspy voice.
I didn't have time to respond before he tugged me away, the cup i was holding dropping and spilling to the floor. A large palm was placed on my lower back forcing me forwards into his body. My hand flew up to his chest to stop myself from pressing into him. His rough actions left me utterly speechless; I'd never been treated like this before. My fingers were clasped, the currently unnamed male, encouraging my hand round the back of his neck. I boldly looked up, stunned to see a pair of sparkling eyes peering down at me. They were almost a jade color, framed with dark lashes. But i soon shot off the intriguing sparks running through my body. My cautiousness heighted as pink, heart shaped lips pulled into a smirk.
"What's your name, beautiful?"
"B-Bo." I stuttered.
He smiled down at me, his overpowering presence travelling to my ear.
"I'm Harry." He hotly whispered.
Before he withdrew, the fullness of his lips pressed to the spot just below my ear. My eyes fluttered closed and i gripped his neck tighter. I released a gasp as he forced my hips to his. A deep chuckle vibrated in his chest, clearly enjoying the reaction he was drawing form me. I had never experienced anything like this before, apparently it was obvious.
"I like you." He smirked. "You're so... innocent."
His dark gaze fell down to my chest, taking advantage of his height he indulged in the view down my top. My fingers dropped form where i held his nape. The urge to redden his cheek with my palm was growing. But i restrained, still fearful of the towering male. My hands rose up to shove him away, but he caught hold of my wrists.
"Now, now." He huskily spoke.
Harry brought my arms down to my sides in his firm hold. I flinched as he took his time to run a warm touch down my back. His long fingers wriggled into the back pocket of my jeans and i soon realised he was searching for my phone. His hand lingered and i became clear that wasn't his only objective. My backside was tightly squeezed before the item of interest was taken from my jeans. The strained whimper that escaped my parted lips caused his to quirk up in a grin.
I stood silently a Harry typed in his number. A beep sounded seconds later and i realized he had texted himself from my phone. He now had my number. What on earth was going on? I had been separated from my friends for no more that five minutes and i was now in the presence of a guy who evidently only had one thing on his mind. The low moan that erupted from the back of his throat took me by surprise, Harry finding pleasure in my breasts firmly pushed to his muscled torso.
"Stop." I weakly pleaded.
I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled. His plump lips came down to my ear once again.
"I don't think so, Baby. We're gonna have some fun."
I shivered at his words. Harry frightened me, but this time my fear caused me to lash out. He withdrew slightly before my hand made contact with his face. It was clearly unexpected from the expression of anger commandeering his tight features. His left cheek was branded with a pink tinge before aggressively gripping hold of my forearms.
"I can tell you're going to be a challenge." He almost growled. "I like that." He smirked.
He dipped his head, nudging mine to the side before i felt his lips press to the skin of my neck. The ends of his curly hair tickled at my cheek. Harry reluctantly released one of my arms so he could hold the back of my head, preventing me from escaping. I instantly placed my free hand on his chest in protest, attempting to push him away as i felt him harshly suck.
"Harry." I begged.
I i fisted the front of his t-shirt between my fingers; the sharp pain intensified as his teeth grazed the skin. His breathy laugh fanned over the area as i desperately struggled against the male's hold before he continued to draw blood to the surface. The sensation was somewhat eased with the attention of his soft lips. But Harry wouldn't allow me that comfort for long, nipping hungrily at my neck with his teeth. I gasped when his tongue licked over the newly sensitive skin, planting a few kisses. he blew over the sloppy wet spot, igniting a chill through my entirety.
Harry stepped back smirking as i yanked my arm from his large hand. My fingers drifted up to my neck, sucking in a sharp breath when i dabbed the sore spot. I whimpered in fright as he drew closer.
"You're mine now." He spoke in a hushed tone.
His lustful gaze burned up and down my body before he turned and confidently strolled away. I stood stunned for a short time, unable to process what had actually happened.
"Shit." I cursed.
I hastily elbowed my way through warm bodies, desperately attempting to find my friends. When i reached them they were animatedly chatting and laughing, completely oblivious to what had taken place a matter of seconds ago. I opened my mouth to speak but was stunted.
"What's wrong?" Zoe asked, worry in her voice.
Lucy encouraged the length of my dark waves off my shoulder. Their eyes widened at the sight.
"Whoa." Charlotte's mouth hung open. "Who the hell gave you that?"
I instantly regretted my movements as i stupidly touched the painful spot on my neck again. My touch remained but my fearful eyes were locked on a spot across the room. My friend's heads curiously turned to see what i was intently fixed on, or rather who. Harry stared back, a smirk playing on his full lips. We witnessed him call goodbye to the guys he was conversing with before he made a beeline for the exit. But that wasn't before he held my focus hostage. The wink i received from Harry rendered me speechless as i watched him disappear.
I spun back to my friends. Charlotte's mouth parted to comment on the event but quickly shut it, unable to form a coherent sentence. Lucy eventually broke the silence.
"Holy shit."
Thank you for reading, i will have the next chapter out on Wednesday.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Question time
Hey guys! I was wondering if you would like me to start posting the famous Harry Styles fan fiction Dark? I am reading the actual copy so i can put it on here if you want because i know it is very hard to find. If i do post it, i will post a chapter on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then i will have my regular post sometime over the weekend like usual. Comment what you think, if i get two yes's i will post the first chapter this Monday.
PS. I posted on Friday so that counts as my weekend post, sorry if that disappoints you, i just don't have a lot of time to post, sorry :(
PS. I posted on Friday so that counts as my weekend post, sorry if that disappoints you, i just don't have a lot of time to post, sorry :(
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