Wow!!!!! I have not posted in a looooooong time! Two to three weeks maybe? I am sooooo sorry! But where i get the story from isn't letting me copy and paste it so i have to re-type the whole thing out, so sometimes i just really don't have the motivation to do all that typing (if you know what i mean). Sorry i don't have a picture in this post but the computer i am on makes the pictures blurry and right in the description of my blog it says 'HD pictures'. So i wouldn't want to post anything else!
My hands tightly gripped the sink, leaning my weight on it as i tried to control my breathing. I raised my head up to the mirror attempting to calm myself down. I couldn't believe how forward Harry's actions were. It's like he didn't care if anyone saw. I patted my pockets to check for my phone.
I had left it in my bag, at the table, with Harry. My heart sunk at the realization that i had no one to contact. I shook my head, my hair swaying from side to side.
"I can't do this." I spoke to myself.
I glanced up at my reflection in the mirror again; i don't think i had ever been more scared. Frantically i paced up and down in the empty toilet, trying to figure out my options. I could either go back in and face Harry or i could make a break for it. My eyes darted over to the window and i quickly opted for option two.
My hands yanked the window open, i was about to climb on to the sill when the door creaked open. To my relief i spun round to see the waitress that had served us.
"Are you Bo?" She asked.
I nodded my head and waited for her to continue.
"The guy you're with asked my to check on you."
"Oh god."
She walked closer to me, catching my hand and pulling me to the side.
"W-where is he?"
"He's waiting outside the door." She whispered worriedly.
My eyes widened at what she told me. Her head turned to the open window and then back to me. She obviously knew what i had been attempting before she arrived.
"Go." She nudged me towards the escape. "I'll tell him you weren't in here."
"Thank you." I smiled.
I caught hold of the sill, pulling myself up. I glanced back to see her exit the toilet.
"What!" I heard a low voice shout on the other side of the door.
I sat with my legs hanging out the window. But just before i jumped down the short distance to the floor outside, the toilet door swung open. Harry's dark eyes locked with mine. His angry gaze quickly changed into a grin and i realised this was fun for him. A chase.
I ran as fast as i could along the promenade, the air cooler than when we had first arrived. My long hair blew out behind me. I quickly passed the entrance to the restaurant, hoping i could gain as much distance as possible. I glanced back to see Harry hot on my heels.
I refused to give up, i had to get away from him. My legs began to ache as i forced myself harder. The air i was drawing in, not being able to satisfy my need. I was gasping for breath as i rounded a corner, still on the path that ran alongside the water. I began to panic when i realized the path was quickly coming to an end. My head darted one way then the other, desperately searching for a way out. I skidded to a stop, turning round to find Harry slowing down. He smirked at me as he strolled closer, knowing i had nowhere left to run. I took a few steps back only to hit the railing. Both of our breathing was forced out in heavy puffs.
"Where did you think you're going, love?"
He continued towards me as i moved slightly to the left, thinking i might be able to get past him and run the other way. Harry was only a few meters from me when my back pressed up to a gate that led to a straight drop down to the water. I pressed harder into the barrier, urgently trying to increase the space between us.
I let out a shriek as the gate behind me gave way. It swung open, i lost my balance and fell through the opening.
I hit the cool water below, my body sinking down. My arms and legs worked together to try and reach the surface. For a moment, relief washed through my body. It may not have been the perfect solution but i was now out of reach from Harry. That was until i felt another splash not far from me. A strong arm wrapped tightly round my waist and i was tugged to the surface. We both gasped for air as i spluttered out of water.
I shoved my hands to his chest, pushing him away. He swept back his wet curls from his face as he watched me. I kicked my legs to keep myself above the water. Harry grinned at me, revealing his dimples before he spoke.
"Well, this is the quickest I've got a girl wet on a first date."
I groaned at his suggestive comment. I highly questioned his words having heard many things about his relationship with women. I wasn't a very strong swimmer and after the run my body felt weak in the water. However, i attempted the swim to the dock anyway. My hands pressed to the hard surface but before i could push myself up Harry caught hold of my hips. He twisted me round to face him, his body closer than what i would have liked.
Harry could tell i was struggling to keep my head above water.
"Hold on to me." He roughly whispered.
My hands stayed in the water, continually moving to keep myself afloat. He gripped my arms pulling them up and round his neck. Harry's right hand caught hold of the dock behind my head while his left pressed to my lower back, forcing my body into his. He held us up, his eyes never leaving my face. I had to trust him not to let me drown. My breath hitched in my throat as he began to lean into me.
"Harry, I'm cold." I whispered.
I let go of his neck, turning round to grip the dock. I watched as he hauled himself out of the water. His clothes dripping as he bent down and helped me out. I was surprised by his strength, Harry easily getting me up onto the platform before i caught my foot and stumbled into him. The action took him be surprise, falling backwards with me on top of him. Harry let out a grunt as we lay on the wooden dock. I placed my hands on his chest pushing myself up, my legs on either side of his waist.
"Hmmm, i always like a girl on top."
I let out a disgusted noise as he winked at me. Before i knew it Harry had caught hold of my hands from his chest and rolled me under him, pinning my wrists down.
"But i prefer to have them under me."
Drops of water fell from his curly hair to my skin as he hovered above me. His green eyes travelled down my body, my wet clothes sticking to the skin. Harry dipped down, lightly blowing across the uncovered skin at the top of my chest, which was quickly rising and falling. His lips held a smile when goose bumps formed. My eyes fluttered closed with the sensation.
I jumped as a pair of wet lips pressed into mine. My eyes shot open. Harry's dripping hair tickled my forehead. he continued to move his mouth against my lips, attempting to get a response out of me. But i couldn't, i just lay there frozen.
"Bo." Harry encouraged quietly.
He tugged at my bottom lip with his teeth before releasing it and pressed his forehead against mine. My breathing came out in short puffs. We stayed like that for a little while longer until Harry pushed himself up. His body loomed over me as he deeply chuckled. What had just happened?
"You coming?"
I quickly sat up, staring at the hand he offered to me. I took it and he pulled me up to stand next to him. My eyes wandered over his wet body. His white t-shirt stuck to his torso revealing a toned stomach and chest. I quickly looked away, knowing i had been caught by Harry as a smirk crept onto his face.
He entwined my fingers with his as we walked along the dock. The step up to the path was quite large so Harry placed his hands on my hips, lifting me up. He easily climbed the ledge where i had already gotten over the railing. I waited for him, Harry then taking my wrist tugging me over to where his blazer was thrown to the floor. He must have taken it off before he jumped in after me. Bending down Harry collected his phone, keys and wallet before picking up the clothing, slipping it over my shoulders.
"Thanks." I spoke quietly.
The man at the front of the restaurant frowned as he took in out appearances. Out clothes were still dripping wet, making puddles on the floor. The rest of the customers in the restaurant struggled to look anywhere but us. I couldn't blame them, we had caused a bit of a scene. Any other time my cheeks would have flushed red but it just didn't seem to matter now. Harry handed over his card to pay.
"Get your bag and let's go." Harry harshly whispered in my ear.
I quickly walked over to the table, our waitress was clearing away plates nearby. She caught my eye and hurried over to me.
"I'm so sorry, he wouldn't believe me when i told him you weren't in the toilet." She gushed.
"Don't worry, it's not your fault." I smiled at her, squeezing her hand lightly. "Thank you."
I jumped as Harry came up behind us, i hastily collected my things before he dragged me out.
We pulled up outside my house, it was dark now with the exception of the street lights. I huffed to wait for Harry to release me from his car. He stayed by my side all the way up to my front door. I scrabbled round in my bag, pulling out my keys which i dropped moments later. Harry forced me up against the door, pressing his lips firmly to mine. One hand held my hips to him, the other caught hold of the back of my neck.
I didn't have much left in me to fight him off but i weakly pushed my hands to his chest anyway. The "kiss" did not last long. Harry pulled away, his green eyes looking down at me as i wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad was it?" He jokingly asked.
I flinched away as his fingertips brushed my cheek.
"We'll definitely be doing this again." He winked.
I wasn't sure if he meant the kissing or the date, either way made me shiver at the thought. Glancing up to his face i noticed his curls beginning to dry out, he looked almost cute, that was until he opened his mouth. His way with words made my skin crawl.
I pulled his blazer from my shoulders, holding it out between us for him to take.
"Keep it."
He dipped his head a final time, lightly kissing me on the lips before i watched him walk away back to his car.
Well, this was a date i would certainly remember.
Thanks for reading! I will try to have the next chapter up in under three weeks this time. lol :P
The ultimate One Direction blog for all Directioners, new or old. Post's quiz's, HD pictures, facts, quotes and more!

Thursday, June 27, 2013
Harry Styles famous fanfiction Dark, Chapter 5 (NOT MY WORK)
chapter five,
good book,
harry styles,
not my work,
one direction,
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Harry Styles famous fanfiction Dark, Chapter 4 (NOT MY WORK)
"Hello, beautiful."
When i didn't move Harry grabbed my forearm and leaned down to kiss me. I hastily turned my head to the side, his full lips making contact with my cheek instead of his intended target. He pulled away, a smile tugging at his lips. His eyes burnt into mine until my head dropped, my fingers fiddling with the strap of my bag.
"Come on."
I reluctantly stepped outside, turning to close the front door and lock it. I had only just placed the keys in my bag when Harry's fingers entwined with mine. His large hand was warm, if i didn't feel so threatened by him; the touch would have comforted me. We crossed the road to where the intimidating black vehicle was parked. The passenger door was yanked open and Harry peered down at me expectantly.
"Hop in, love."
I complied, my breath trembling out as he slammed the door behind me. My head turned looking around the interior of the car. It was surprisingly clean for a guy. I watched as he jogged round the front to the driver's side. His tall frame easily climbing into the vehicle before he abruptly shut the door. It frightened me that i was now alone with him.
"Don't look so nervous, Bo." Harry smirked.
His green orbs lingered on me for a few seconds before he reached round for his seat belt, strapping himself in. I did the same, my eyes landing back on Harry as he swiftly turned on the ignition and shifted the car into reverse. He grinned at me, winking before pulling out of the space and onto the road. I noticed his blazer sleeves were pushed up his strong forearms as he tightly gripped the steering wheel. He swept some curls from his face, clearing his vision to see the cars speeding past on the junction. I found myself staring at his face until he lips curved up into a smile and i knew I'd been caught. My head dipped down to pick at my finger nails as a blush crept up onto my cheeks
"How old are you?" I asked quietly.
I glanced up at his face. He turned to me for a second before looking back out the windscreen.
The rest of the ride was pretty quiet, i spent the time looking out my window. The sun was slowly fading in the sky as we pulled into a car park. I jumped back into the seat as Harry placed his hand on my knee, but i stopped him before he could move it any higher. He deeply chuckled, then withdrew his touch.
"We're here."
I unbuckled my seat belt, and reached for the handle. My eyes widened when i realised it was locked. I had to wait for Harry to open my door from the outside. I shivered a little at the thought of being locked in with him. I couldn't help but shy away from his touch as he helped my down from the car. A reaction which didn't go unnoticed by Harry.
I tugged my jacket tighter to my body as the wind whipped round. I was pulled under one of Harry's strong arms as he guided me to the path. I took in a deep breath, the smell of the sea filling my senses. We turned a corner and i realised we were at the harbour. My eyes flicked from one boat to another, all of them moored up to the dock.
We continued to walk along the promenade; a railing being the only barrier separating us from the deep water. We stopped outside a restaurant, Harry removing his arm from my shoulder and roughly spinning me round to face him. I gasped as his long fingers pushed my hair away from my neck. His mouth held a smirk, his tips brushing over the fading mark that was still visible on my neck.
"Mmm, maybe i should give you another one, just to make sure everyone knows you're mine." His raspy voice whispered.
I began to back away but he caught me wrist before tugging me into him.
"Maybe later." He smiled.
Harry gave his name to the man at the front of the restaurant before we were led to a table towards the back. I had a horrible feeling Harry had asked to be placed here, so we were more hidden. I sat opposite him at the small table, shrugging off my jacket and placing it over the back of the chair. The waitress handed us our menus before taking out drink orders and hurrying off.
Harry scanned over the list of meals on offer, not looking up as i bent down to my bag and pulled out my phone. I held the menu up in front of me, hiding myself as i opened the text.
From: Zoe
How is it going? Are you alright? Xx
I was about to reply when my shield was pulled down to the table. I quickly shoved my phone into my bag before looking up to meet Harry's dark gaze. He decided not to mention my phone and asked me what i wanted instead.
"I'm not hungry." I bluntly replied.
"Pick or I'll pick for you." His tone holding a hint of annoyance.
I stayed silent as he called the waitress over. Her ponytail swayed as she rushed to our table quickly scribbling down our order.
"Can i get you anything else?" She asked politely.
Her eyes hesitantly landing on Harry's before quickly diverting to mine. I could tell she felt on edge around him. She gave me a sympathetic look, almost as if she knew i was here against my will.
"No thank you." I smiled.
Then we were left alone. Harry tilted his head slightly to the side, his eyes locking onto my face.
"Do i frighten you?"
I was about to say that it was a pretty stupid question, but i stopped myself. I didn't really want to tell him he scared the crap out of me. I'm sure he would have used the information to his already strong advantage. Although i don't see how he couldn't have realised the intimidating effect he had on me.
My silence was all the confirmation he needed. He showed off his dimples as he smiled at me. Harry's hand was about to reach towards me when the waitress came back with our drinks. I thanked her for the water, mentally praising her for interrupting us. All too soon she had walked away and i was left alone with Harry again. I felt uncomfortable as his eyes rested on my face.
"Has anyone ever touched your before?"
"W-what?" I replied in confusion.
He didn't say anything, but i gasped upon feeling his hand on my knee under the square table. He chuckled at my reaction before swiftly getting up. It surprised me when he pushed his chair round to sit on the side of the table to the right of me. His hand immediately went back to it's previous position. My breath hitched in my throat as his touch slid slowly up my thigh, my body was frozen. Harry intently watched as my chest sharply rose up and down. I thanked god i didn't decide to wear a dress, who knows where his hands could have reached. When his fingers skimmed my crotch i abruptly shot up. My chair screeched against the floor as i pushed it back.
"I-i need to pee." I gushed.
I heard him deeply laugh a i quickly walked towards the toilets. I didn't have time to pick up my bag, i just wanted to get away.
"Don't be too long." Harry called behind me.
Alright guys. I feel soooooooooooo bad for not updating :'( I just feel so much pressure saying i am going to update on specific days. Sooooooo i have decided that i am not going to have an updating schedule anymore. But there is one thing i will promise you. I WILL update at least once a week. Hopefully that is ok with you guys. Once again, sooooooo sorry i haven't posted anything in probably almost two weeks. Maybe i will have another chapter up on Sunday or Monday, MAYBE. Please don't be disappointed if there isn't one. Ok BYE!!!!! Love you all! :*
chapter four,
harry styles,
not my work,
one direction,
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